When the Creator designed our bodies, the Bible says they were made “in the image of God”. I’m sure this phrase includes more than the spiritual dimension, for I see many parallels in the 12 systems that operate this awesome body of ours. It appears more like a counterpart of the total government of God (usually expressed by the number 12). To begin with we will look at the skeletal system and see how it compares with the Law of God, the moral code that rules His universe. As you look through these chapters see for yourselves how closely the bones and law compare. A divine Mind created both.

Organization, Power, Prosperity

The Yoking Laws

Composition of Law and Grace

What Life Without Law Looks Like

Laws For Divine Relationships

Laws for Intimate Relationships

Laws For Casual Relationships  (this chapter is still being worked on)

A Bone Without Joints?

The (Prophetic) Ossification Timetable