Fun? God? It almost seems sacrilegious to put these two together. But that’s the idea that went through my mind when thinking about heaven.

Carefully I teased out some little strands of thought to see if there might be some actual connections worthy of deeper consideration. I certainly didn’t want to get too familiar with Omnipotence for that could be very dangerous to a mere mortal.

These snippets urged me on. “It’s OK. He really does love you,” they seemed to say.

“For God so loved…”

“When you pray, say ‘Our Father, which art in heaven…”

“Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit…”

“I send the promise of my Father upon you …”

“Fear not, for I am with you…”

“When he comes in the glory of his Father…”

But what about the Flood? Wiping out nearly a whole civilization doesn’t come across as Loving. Or Mt.Sinai? There was thunder and lightning and earthquakes when He drew near. The people shook in fright. That didn’t appear very friendly.

“You are right, Friend. Fun and friendliness are often trumped by emergencies and rebellion.”

Hmmm. I can relate to that a little bit. There were many times I wanted to do some fun things with my children but couldn’t because of a sudden outburst of tempers, or a breakdown with our car, or one of the children would get sick.

But surely, if He does have a fun side, it would show up somewhere… some time.

“Ever watch puppies or kittens tussle together or squirrels play ‘catch or chase’ in the trees?”

Oh yes, and watching penguins play in the snow, they all entertain me a lot. I even find myself laughing out loud sometimes. And I could watch starlings for hours make their captivating shapes in the skies.

“Where do you think they got those abilities to enjoy themselves so much?”

Ummm, G.. God?

“Absolutely! All good things come from Him. Remember Joseph, when he finally showed himself to his brothers? What did he tell them?”

Yes I do. He said, “But as for you, you thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” (Gen 50:20)

“Good, so where is your problem, about God not having a fun side?”

 I, uh, don’t really know. I guess it’s just …

“Well, think of it this way. In your mind remove all the things that could go wrong in a sinful world and then tell me what kind of things you would like to do with your family, especially if you just inherited $600,000 dollars.”

 Oh, wow! I wouldn’t have to report to work?

“Right. 3 month vacation with pay.”

 The kids wouldn’t have to go to school?

“No, it’s summer vacation.”

 And the wife?

“She’s been planning on this for years and is ready for anything you can come up with.”

 What about all my bills and debts?

“The will says you are to use the tax free money only to enjoy your family.”

 OK, now give me a few hours–no days!– to figure this out.

“Here, just write your fun ideas on this paper.”

 What? That’s a 2” x2” Post-It paper!

“So what’s the problem?”

What’s the problem? $600,000, with no other pressing obligations, and we have a whole summer? Are you kidding? I would need a book to record all the fun stuff we could do!

“But you think God, who loves His children much more than you ever could, has resources that make $600,000 look like play money, and unlimited ideas and time, that when relieved of all problems sin has caused, would not want to just enjoy His creation as a Father would?”

 But He is GOD!

“Exactly. But also a Father, like you. What a combination!”