Experimental School Of Nutritional Gardening
This will be a serious gardening school
foremost, to teach people how to grow their own nutritionally-packed food anywhere
secondarily, to learn other disciplines related to growing your own food
math (to know how to portion, convert measurements, figure volumes, etc)
science (to become familiar with forces of nature that can affect gardens)
industrial arts (to learn how to build and fix things related to gardening)
food preparation and preservation (to present Taste-N-See classes)
civics (to know how to work with the laws of the land)
the arts (to learn how to express gardening in the most attractive ways)
history (to learn how agriculture has affected individuals and nations in the past)
Bible (to learn how the spiritual life intertwines with gardening and character building)
public speaking (to learn how to give gardening talks in public… and make them evangelistic, when appropriate)
economics (to make ends meet to make a profit)
cultures (how to adapt gardening styles to different cultures)
health (how to maintain and enhance it through gardening)
psychology (how plants and emotions correlate)
self-improvement (applying character-building lessons to gardening and vice versa)
Students will learn the many facets of gardening
seeds (their needs and potential for improving)
soils (how to identify, use, change,and care for them)
weather/climates (how to use and prepare for them)
weeds & pests (how to profit from, get rid of, or control them to your advantage)
equipment (their special characteristics, how to make, use and care for them)
shelters (how to construct different kinds to protect plants & enhance growth)
will have practical experience in the The 7 Levels of Gardening
The school will also be experimental, with data collected to support their research
to enhance growth
to increase yield
to make more climate hardy and resist spoiling after harvest
to improve seed for the next generation (power seeds)
to resist disease and infections
to hasten harvest
to improve nutritional quality
to design better growing areas
labor-saving devices and systems
the student will learn how to be self-supporting
through the growth and sale of produce (CSA, truck gardens, fruit stands, etc.)
through specializing (like seasoning herbs, empowered seeds, dried flowers, etc.)
through industries related to gardening (constructing greenhouses, tools, supplies)
through training others (classes, seminars, DVDs, books, articles)
learning how to use social media and other commercial advertising
the student will become an eclectic gardener
one who uses the best of many gardening persuasions
but avoids anything harmful to plant, environment, gardener, or consumer
is Bible based and mission-minded
practices methods that are counterparts of character-building principles
will be known for quality of produce, sustainability and simplicity of techniques, and breadth of knowledge
will know how to heal the land, replace it, or resurrect it if dead
will also be practical in their life (outside of gardening)
the mother school will be located in the NW
prepared to plant and nurture satellite schools anywhere
nonprofit? (to be discussed, possibly have investors share in the profits)
self-sustaining (not dependent on donations to keep afloat, once in full operation)
100+ acres with tillable land and abundant year-round water
funding will come from various sources
profits from onsite industries (including internet classes, books, dvds, etc.)
tuition from students
charges for services (consultations, seminars, projects outside of the school)
all workers will be paid equally or fairly
students will be from high school (junior and senior) to adults
facilities for RVs (short or long term), cabins (for small families), dorms (for singles), houses (for larger families)
classes will be on site, via internet, DVDs, as well as in satellite locations (future plans)