Genesis 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light (and stars) to rule the night.
The LIGHT of Day 1 was the light of God’s personal presence. The LIGHT of Day 4 was the light of His representatives. When the Original is present we have no need of the representative.
Rev 21:23 Websters And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God enlightened it, and the Lamb is the light of it.
The “representative”, according to Revelation 12:1, is the church, pictured as a woman clothed with the sun (representing the incarnated Son of God), the moon under her feet (representing all that can reflect the virtues of the Son), and wearing a crown of 12 stars (representing the organized body of witnesses)—everything discussed on Day 4. She becomes His witness—the intermediate God uses to give light to the world.
On Day 4 –in the midst of the week– God transfers that which lights the world from His only begotten Son incarnated to His church, composed of His faithful witnesses. Daniel 9:27 is part of a prophecy of the Messiah to come. It predicted that God would, at the end of a 490 year period, deal specifically with the Jews, His chosen but rebellious nation. He would give them one final week (7 prophetic years) at which time He would personally come in human form as the Messiah and teach them His ways. In the middle of the prophetic week He would die and let His followers finish out the period as His witnesses to the truths He taught. At the end of that 7-year time frame the fate of the Jewish nation would be decided.
The appearance of the sun and moon in the heavens in the midst of the week, on the 4th day of Creation, not only illustrates God’s transfer of His agency to the living, witnessing church, but also adds additional detail on how to witness. One dimension of the witnessing church was to operate as the sun, during the “day”, and another as the moon, during the “night”. What are these heavenly bodies describing?
As God often illustrates in nature, there are two types and sources of power available to earthlings. One is dynamic, regenerative, and healing, and another is static and inorganic. Here on Day 4 we see these expressed in the sun, moon, and stars.
SUN The sun represents a highly energized and effective system that brings healing, deliverance, and prosperity to all under its domain. Because this system is “dynamic”, it is adaptable, flexible, and has the potential to generate resources as needed.
Who are those benefited by its sphere of influence? Of course everyone is, but there is a special class who receive more benefit than others. Malachi speaks of them as those who fear (reverence) God’s name.
Mal 4:2 But unto you who fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings;
He further describes these people “of the day” in the previous chapter.
Mal 3:16 Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.
- they feared (held in reverence) God’s name– doing nothing to bring dishonor to that name
- they kept in communication with others of like mind– chose the companionship of those who were also God-fearing
- they thought often upon God’s name (honor, authority, character)– you could tell where their heart was
- they serve (worship) God willingly– were obedient to His will
Of this group Malachi says God writes their name in a book of remembrance. Their words of faith, their acts of love, are registered in heaven. People in this group do not come together to remain silent. They assemble to speak of His honor and tell of His power. And they leave the assembly with God’s blessing1, refreshed… and healed.
To better understand what Malachi 4:2 is describing let’s unpack the words used.
RIGHTEOUSNESS: rightness, rectitude [exact conformity to truth, or to the rules prescribed for moral conduct], justice>, virtue [authority, power to produce effects, moral goodness, excellence], prosperity
HEALING: >mending, curing, deliverance
WINGS: in the furthermost reaches, in the most extreme distances of His influence
When we are conscious of God’s power and presence in our lives, when we appreciate the truths He reveals about Himself, and respond to them in a positive way, we are people “of the day”. This describes the converted. We can bask in the Sun’s healing, energizing rays, and our lives give evidence of it. The creator can deal directly with us, and the interchange is positive and life-changing.
However, there are times when man cannot tolerate a direct exposure to the Light. Truth is too strong, too direct. Our humanness recoils from purity and we hide our faces from the light. God understands. When Adam and Eve sinned they hid from God. He was too much for them. They felt “dirty,” “unclean”. But God didn’t hide from them. He sought them out and entered into a dialog with them… at their felt need.
God knows our weaknesses and lovingly provides for us during those times as well. In the context of Day 4 the “ruler” in times of darkness is called the moon. It is a different type of power than the sun, but one designed to help us where we are.
MOON The moon is called a lesser light because it generates no light of its own. It is inorganic, only a reflector. However, to reflect it must itself be in the light, in the direct view of the sun. So the light we see coming from it is not original. It is filtered, altered in some way.
1Cor 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face.
The amount of light we receive from the moon changes constantly from a very short period of“full” reflection to an equally short period of no reflection, and increasing (waxing) or decreasing (waning) increments along the way. In other words, we cannot depend on “moon revelations” of truth to be complete, or radiant enough to safely brighten our path. They, at most, are only dim “samplings”. If we like what we see it will, hopefully, lead us to the greater light. Nature is such a revelation. It definitely is designed to reveal God to a world in darkness.
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they [the ungodly and unrighteous—verse 18] are without excuse.
But the ruler of the night has its limitations. For one, it generates no heat of its own to warm us, and that which it reflects is not enough to comfort us on a cold night. It is merely a dim reflector. Never could we expect the moon to equate what the sun can do. Moonlight, even with a full moon, can barely tip the scales when it comes to color definition. There is not enough light intensity to fully power the color receptors in our eyes, the cones. These are the vision cells that bring clarity as well as color. If we are needing to make an important decision based on color, or clear perception, it’s best we wait until the day, or go where the lighting is better.
Another limiting factor is what we see. Even though the moon is a faithful reflector, it shows us only one side. In some ways it’s more human-like than is the sun. We mortals try so hard to keep our best side facing the public. We don’t want people to see how we are at home, or how we treat the family pet when no one is watching, or what our bedroom or office looks like. We want others to only see our carefully guarded show of order and cleanliness and kind deeds.
God, however, has a different reason for showing us only one side of the moon. We would never have known about the other side if it wasn’t for curious scientists and their space probes. I don’t know what they expected, but it certainly wasn’t what I expected. It nearly took my breath away!
The moon’s “dark” side is not pretty.
The moon as
The moon’s dark
seen from the side (not seen Earth from the Earth)
As you can see, the dark side of the moon has protected the earth from some pretty big hits of cosmic garbage, yet she never displays her pain and misfortune. We see only the smiling, smooth-faced view. What a lesson in humility! Our witness for God must be “one-faced”. It should not be our purpose to make our struggles and pain a part of our reflection of God’s goodness and greatness. We are not on this earth to draw attention to ourselves, our private battles, or our deeds of courage or heroism.
John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease.
Like the moon, Nature, as a reflector of God’s goodness also has a “dark side,” one hidden from many eyes. However, some see it… and wonder. The evidence of destruction, pain, and death is imputed to God, as though He is the cause. Consequently they think of Him as a two-faced tyrant. Instead of seeing the thorns graced with beautiful roses, they see roses covered with ugly thorns. We cannot come in contact with the natural world without recognizing the work of antagonistic forces. However, we are not to look upon these disorders as characteristic of God. While the Creator came to live among us He addressed this enigma and said simply, “An enemy hath done this.” Matthew 13:28. And then He walked to Calvary to set the record straight. Only in the light shining from the cross can we rightly interpret nature’s teaching.
The moon tells us that today man cannot of himself read aright the teaching of nature. Those who love darkness rather than light cannot fully discern the true character of God in His works. And unless he is guided by divine wisdom man will exalt nature and her laws and use them to define God and His works. This is why mere human ideas of science, like evolution, often contradict the teachings of God’s word.2 The reflected light, which they choose to live under, just is not bright enough to see the whole picture.
It is in the Creator’s design that the moon’s reflections of the sun be always from the bright, smooth (romantic) side, showing His love and mercy to those who are not accustomed to Truth’s bright rays. An example of this is Paul’s counsel to God-fearing wives living with agnostic husbands.
1Peter 3:1-2 Websters Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the deportment of the wives; while they behold your chaste manner of life coupled with fear.
Since these husbands prefer darkness, God puts in their night a reflector of His goodness— God-fearing wives, or neighbors, or business associates. And if there are no people around to reflect His charms, He will use a faithful dog, or a loving cat, or a beautiful sunset to woo him to look up.
STARS Stars provide original light as does our sun, but in minute amounts— appropriately portioned for failing hearts. Just enough to inspire, but not enough to overwhelm. What a compassionate God!
Day 4 is addressing the light that comes to the earth through the church (the woman of Revelation 12:1), whether direct or reflected, near or far. The dispensing of the various types of light is called WITNESSING. If done as God designs, it will bring glory to Him. And in verse 14 of Genesis 1, He defines four criteria witnessing (letting our light shine) should accomplish.
Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to [1] divide the day from the night; and let them be for [2] signs, and for [3] seasons, and for [4] days and years:
- The lights divided between the day and the night. Our witness should make a clear distinction between good and evil, right and wrong, safe and dangerous. If our witness brings confusion as to what is right, or what is God’s will, then it doesn’t qualify as coming from Him, for His light, by command, divides between the day and the night. God’s Word is an unerring guide in every aspect of life. In it the conditions of eternal life are plainly stated. The distinction between right and wrong is clearly defined, and sin is unmasked, exposing its most revolting nature, clothed in garments of death.3
- The heavenly luminaries are to be used as signs. The original language gives the idea of a >flag, beacon, monument, or evidence, something easy to remember. When God’s people witness to others an impression should be made that will not quickly fade. Maybe it’s kindness when they expected censure, or forgiveness when they expected retaliation, or generosity when they expected emptiness or selfishness. Whatever it takes, our witness should leave a monument for others to consider.
If our motives are wholesome, if we are ever on the alert for work to do and always on the lookout to show kindness, compassion, and courteous deeds, we are unconsciously building monuments, and writing God’s name in the hearts of those around us.4
- A season adds another dimension. It carries the idea of appointment, a fixed period in which a prearranged activity is anticipated or a prearranged place is set. The truth that is to illuminate the earth must also have within it this characteristic of timeliness and order. Much can be lost if we are out of sync with heaven’s appointments. Our witness must be appropriate to the times, faithful to God’s appointments, and fulfill His appointed purposes.
- Days< and years are cyclical, recurring periods of time<. Days and years are unaffected by anything happening on this earth (unless God sanctions it). Wars, famines, bumper crops, marriages and deaths, political scandals, or exciting new discoveries have no influence on the length of days or years. They are consistent, reliable. We can depend on them. That is a very important element of truth… and our witness. Consistency commends the truth of God to the judgment of every heart that is not filled with prejudice.5
The greatest witness we can give is one that comes from a life totally consecrated to God, one consistent in speech as well as practice. The gospel we present for the saving of the soul must be the gospel by which our own soul is saved.
As we look at the Gospel story we note the transition of Day 4 taking place in Luke 9.
Luke 9:1-2 Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.
To make sure they wouldn’t take credit to themselves the Master Teacher gave special instructions. He wanted their dependence to be entirely on God, not man (verse 3).
Take nothing for your journey, neither staves, nor scrip, neither bread, neither money; neither have two coats apiece.
As we read through chapter 9 we notice many lessons Jesus gives to hone His disciples for carrying through successfully with the Transition. But neither Luke nor Jesus is through yet. The next chapter begins with another dispatching of students.
Luke 10:1 After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come.
Again, they were to go out depending wholly on God’s gracious provisions (verse 4). And the venture was a resounding success.
Luke 10:17-18 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
We note, however, that character transformation was not yet complete among His disciples. The foot washing had not yet transpired (to correct proud, grasping spirits), nor had Judas’ betrayal or Peter’s denial taken place, nor had Thomas’ doubting faith been addressed. And even after the death, resurrection, and ascension of their Lord 40 days later character transformation continued among Christ’s followers.
Acts 1:14 These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren.
As everyone waited for the fulfillment of Christ’s presence in the Comforter (John 14:16, 26), they humbled their hearts in true repentance and confessed their unbelief. They reproached themselves for their misapprehension of their Saviour and sorrowed for ever having grieved Him with their unbelief. Though knowing they were forgiven they determined that, so far as possible, they would bravely confess Him before the world.6
All this is painted in broad strokes in Creation Week. Though there is life on the planet by the end of the 3rd day, it is not of a type to characterize the perfection God has in mind for His children. Though Day 4 does speak of a transition of leadership from Teacher to students, that is inadequate to define the character growth expected and promised in God’s children. The next two days of Creation, Days 5 and 6, enlarge on the maturing from sinner to saint and what it takes to grow into the fullness of Christ’s image.
Lesson of Day 4: >We are to witness to God’s goodness.
1 EW 114
2 MH 461
3 ST, December 24, 1896 par. 1
4 YI, Feb. 7, 1901
5 3T 215
6 AA 36