cs solid logo 43 wideWhen God set about to establish a nation that He could use to represent the heavenly family to the Gentile world, He chose to start with a family of 12 sons. Later, when the Messiah saw it was time for Him to begin teaching about the Good News of salvation, He chose to give special training to 12 men. These (for the greater part) would become His disciples to spread the Gospel of the kingdom to a hurting world. So it shouldn’t surprise us that when the Creator formed our bodies to be a representation of Himself to a world enslaved by sin, He would design it around 12 systems. For some reason He likes to use the number 12 when it comes to define His government. There will even be 12 gates into the capital city of the New World, the New Jerusalem.

In counterpart studies we look for things, objects, systems, or whatever that operate on similar principles, though the application may have entirely different results. But through this we can see a harmony between different worlds, which is what we should expect if both realms have the same Author or Creator.

As we consider these counterparts, we not only learn about one as we study the other but by comparing the elements of both we also discover various harmonies of truth that serve to combat scientific and spiritual falsehoods. And that is the mission of this website!

In this section we will be looking at the human body, in the context of Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.“ If man and woman were made in God’s image we should expect to see a lot of “harmonies” between the physical and spiritual bodies.

As we studied these systems we have seen interesting possibilities for counterparts and listed them below. Many of these are still in the “research” stage, so if you find something that can help steer us in the right direction, or can strengthen the summaries we have given so far, please enter your comments on our blog site, perhaps with a title like CIRCULATORY SYSTEM, or whatever system you are commenting on.

There comes a point, however, that enough input comes in to verify that indeed we have discovered a counterpart. So what’s the big deal about counterparts? Click here to find out. The first one below, the skeletal system, is such an example. If you click on the underlined part it will take you to a larger study on the subject. The other ones are still in various stages of investigation and study.

     skeletal system……………… Law, the foundation of all governments

     muscular system…………….What empowers us to do things

     digestive system…………….Education’s counterpart

     circulatory system…………..Benevolence, the great circuit of life

     respiratory system………….The mechanics of a spirit-filled life

     nervous system……………..Direct communication systems

     endocrine system…………..Indirect communication systems

     integumentary system…….Looking good in public and private

     immune system……………..The  best way to budget… and protect your resources

     excretory system……………When enough is enough–the proper way to get rid of things

     sensory system……………..The verification of truth

     reproductive system……….What it takes to multiply… in three dimensions